DL-V3 User Manual Rev 3 107
B.17 GROUPECUTOFF Edit Group Elevation Cut-Off Angle
The groupecutoff command allows you to edit the elevation cut-off angle configuration for the group.
groupecutoff set sets cut-off for the group named groupname to ecutoff. groupecutoff clear removes
the cut-off setting from the group named groupname. groupecutoff default sets the elevation cut-off
for the group to 0 degrees.
groupecutoff set groupname [ecutoff]
groupecutoff default|clear groupname
B.17.1 Groupuse Translation
groupuse start
If set, the ecutoff command is issued.
groupuse stop
Message ID = 56
Table 34: Parameter Update
Table 35: GROUPECUTOFF Default Configuration
Field Data
Value Used if
Bytes Format Units Offset
1 Header - - - 0
2 Parameter Update, see Table 33 on
Page 106
- 4 Enum none H
3 Group name - 12 Char[] none H+4
4 Elevation cutoff 0 4 Float none H+16
Binary Value ASCII Value Description
0 DEFAULT Set the parameter for a group to the default
1 SET Set the parameter for a group
2 CLEAR Clear the parameter from a group
Parameter Power-On Freset Stored in NVM
ecutoff no change 0 YES