Novatel DL-V3 Car Satellite TV System User Manual

DL Explorer Chapter 4
DL-V3 User Manual Rev 3 67
Figure 27: Starting Groups
The Stop button in the Group Management dialog becomes active while the DL-V3 is logging the
data. Click on the Stop button to stop the DL-V3 from logging the chosen log group. Only one log
group may be started at a time.
A red cross beside a log group name indicates the group is not active in the DL-V3. A green
check mark indicates the group is active in the DL-V3.
When there are groups in the DL Groups panel, you can also download them to CDU. To download
groups to CDU, highlight them in the DL Groups panel and click on the Download button. The groups
are downloaded to CDU and may then be seen in the CDU Groups panel.
To refresh the data displayed in the DL Groups panel, click on the Refresh button. Delete groups from
the DL-V3 by first highlighting them and then clicking on the Delete button. To delete all the groups
on the DL-V3, click on the Delete All button. There is no need to highlight any groups in the DL
Groups panel in this case.
Files are stored on the CF card but groups are stored in the DL-V3’s NVM.