92 DL-V3 User Manual Rev 3
B.7 DISK Format the CF Card
The disk command allows you to carry out CF card maintenance.
The disk format command formats the CF card for use with DL-V3. The format sequence erases all
data previously stored on the CF card. This operation is not reversible.
Prior to issuing a disk format command, all logs being sent to file should be unlogged, refer to the
UNLOG and UNLOGALL commands in the OEMV Family Firmware Reference Manual, and
the log file closed. If a group is being logged, the groupuse stop command should be issued, see
the GROUPUSE command starting on Page 118.
disk format
Message ID = 284
Table 23: CF Card Operation
Field Data Bytes Format Units Offset
1Header --0
2 CF card operation, see Table 23 4Enum-H
Binary Value ASCII Value Description
1 FORMAT Format the CF card