Novatel DL-V3 Car Satellite TV System User Manual

128 DL-V3 User Manual Rev 3
B.30 METPRESS Specify Air Pressure
The metpress command allows you to specify air pressure. Air pressure specified with the metpress
command does not affect receiver operation. Rather, it allows you to create a record of atmospheric
conditions for post-processing purposes.
The metpress set command specifies air pressure at press. This command only stores the pressure
value in volatile memory, and does not automatically generate a record. The humidity value can then
be displayed/recorded by requesting the met log.
The metpress clear and the metpress default commands clear the air pressure setting.
metpress set [press]
metpress default|clear
Message ID = 164
Table 50: METPRESS Default Configuration
Field Data
Value Used if
Not Specified
Bytes Format Units Offset
1 Header - - - 0
2 Parameter Update, see
Table 34 on Page 107
- 4 Enum none H
3 Pressure (in hectopascals or
kilopascals where:
1 kPa = 10 hPa)
0 4 Float kPa or
a. You may use hPa or kPa in your float input depending on your preference
Parameter Power-On Freset Stored in NVM
metpress clear clear NO