Novatel DL-V3 Car Satellite TV System User Manual

DL Explorer Chapter 4
DL-V3 User Manual Rev 3 61
Figure 21: Position Tab
For the Fixed Averaged Position option, the Position Average fields become editable so you can enter
the criteria by which you would like the position averaging to stop.
Position averaging stops either before a certain time period in minutes (a maximum of 60 and a
minimum of 1.5 minutes), if the standard deviation for the horizontal axis (in meters) has been met, or,
for example, if the standard deviation for the vertical axis (in meters) has been met. The typical
standard deviation range is from 10 cm (3.9") to 5 m (16.4). The position is fixed to the position
averaged at that site.
Site Tab
The Site tab is the third tab available in the DL Groups dialog, see Figure 22 on Page 62. It enables
you to control whether site information is specified for sites automatically logged on startup.