Novatel DL-V3 Car Satellite TV System User Manual

DL-V3 User Manual Rev 3 91
B.6 DEL Delete Files from CF Card
The del command allows you to delete files from the CF card.
The del all command deletes all files from the CF card. This operation is not reversible. The del all
command fails if there are any open files.
The del file filename command deletes the file named file from the CF card. File is a name of a file on
the CF card specified in a base.ext format, where base is maximum 8 characters and the optional ext is
maximum 3 characters. The del file filename command fails if filename is open.
del all|{file filename}
Message ID = 53
Table 22: Delete Target
Field Data Bytes Format Units Offset
1Header --0
2 Delete Target, see Table 22 4 Enum none H
3 File 12 Char[] none H+4
Binary Value ASCII Value Description
0 ALL Delete all files
1 FILE Delete the filename specified