
180 DL-V3 User Manual Rev 3
3. Connect the power cable to the DL-V3 and power-up the unit
D.2.2 Enable Ethernet on the DL-V3 Receiver
From the laptop, connect the DL-V3 to a serial, or USB, cable. Open communication with the receiver
using HyperTerminal or CDU. Issue the following command (to switch COM3 from Bluetooth to
Ethernet operation):
COM3 switches from the Bluetooth to the Ethernet device in the DL-V3. You can see this because the
Ethernet LED, labelled , on the DL-V3 glows orange.
D.2.3 Windows XP Network Settings
If using TCP/IP networking on a Windows XP-based PC/laptop, Windows may be configured to
obtain an IP address automatically. However, an alternate IP must be configured manually rather than
having an automatically generated private IP address. To do this, follow these steps:
1. Click on the Start button in Windows and select Settings | Control Panel.
2. Select Network Connections in Control Panel, and double-click on it.