5 - 28
5.3.3 Using forward rotation stroke end (LSP ) reverse rotation stroke end (LSN ) to change the stopping
The stopping pattern is factory-set to make a sudden stop when the forward rotation stroke end (LSP )
reverse rotation stroke end (LSN ) is made valid. A slow stop can be made by changing the DRU
parameter No. 22 (Function selection 2) value.
DRU parameter No.22 Setting Stopping method
(initial value)
Sudden stop
Motor stops with droop pulses cleared.
Slow stop
The motor is decelerated to a stop in accordance with the DRU parameter No. 7
(Position command acceleration/deceleration time constant)
5.3.4 Alarm history clear
The servo amplifier stores one current alarm and five past alarms from when its power is switched on
first. To control alarms which will occur during operation, clear the alarm history using DRU parameter
No.16 or IFU parameter No.0 before starting operation.
These parameters are made valid when you switch power off, then on after setting their values. DRU
parameter No. 16 and IFU parameter No. 0 return to "
0 " automatically when the alarm history is
Alarm history clea
0: Invalid
1: Valid
DRU parameter No.16
IFU parameter No.0
Alarm history clea
0: Invalid
1: Valid