14 - 3
(3) DRU parameter setting
Set " 1
" in DRU parameter No.1 to make the absolute position detection system valid.
Selection of absolute position detection system
0: Used in incremental system
1: Used in absolute position detection system
DRU parameter No. 1
14.3 Signal explanation
The following is the signal used in an absolute position detection system. For the I/O interfaces (symbols
in the I/O category column in the table), refer to section 3.2.5.
Signal name Code Functions/Applications I/O category
(home position setting)
CR Shorting CR -SG clears the position control counter and stores the
home position data into the non-volatile memory (backup memory).
14.4 Serial communication command
The following commands are available for reading absolute position data using the serial communication
function. When reading data, take care to specify the correct station number of the drive unit from where
the data will be read.
When the master station sends the data No. to the slave station (drive unit), the slave station returns the
data value to the master station.
(1) Transmission
Transmit command [0][2] and data No. [9][1].
(2) Reply
The absolute position data in the command pulse unit is returned in hexadecimal.
Data 32-bit length (hexadecimal representation)