3 - 37
(2) Write instruction codes (8000h to 911Fh)
Instruction code
Instruction code
Instruction code
execution completion
Writing data
Instruction code
execution demand
Write in execution
Respond code
Set the write instruction code (refer to section 3.5.4 (2)) to Instruction code (RWwn+2) and the data to be
written (data to be executed) to Writing data (RWwn+3) in hexadecimal, and turn Instruction code execution
demand (RYn9) to ON.
Turning instruction code execution completion to ON sets the data set in Wiring data (RWwn+3) to the item
corresponding to the write instruction code. When write is executed, Instruction code execution completion
(RXn9) turns to ON.
If the instruction code not in the specifications is set to Instruction code (RWwn+2), the corresponding error
code (
1 ) is set to respond code.
Turn Instruction code execution demand (RYn9) to OFF after Instruction code execution completion (RXn9)
has turned to ON.