Instructions Executing With No Unit Specified
No Unit Specified Instructions and Opcode MapsG-2 SPRU733
G.1 Instructions Executing With No Unit Specified
Table G−1 lists the instructions that execute with no unit specified.
Table G−1. Instructions Executing With No Unit Specified
G.2 Opcode Map Symbols and Meanings
Table G−2 lists the symbols and meanings used in the opcode maps.
Table G−2. No Unit Specified Instructions Opcode Map Symbol Definitions
Symbol Meaning
creg 3-bit field specifying a conditional register
csta constant a
cstb constant b
cstn n-bit constant field
bit n of the constant ii
N3 3-bit field
op opfield; field within opcode that specifies a unique instruction
p parallel execution; 0 = next instruction is not executed in parallel, 1 = next instruction is
executed in parallel
s side A or B for destination; 0 = side A, 1 = side B.
bit n of the constant stg
test for equality with zero or nonzero
Instructions Executing With No Unit Specified / Opcode Map Symbols and Meanings