Index-2 SPRU733
B instruction
using a displacement 3-69
using a register 3-71
B IRP instruction 3-73
B NRP instruction 3-75
B4 MODE bits 2-10
B5 MODE bits 2-10
B6 MODE bits 2-10
B7 MODE bits 2-10
bit field
clear (CLR) 3-77
extract and sign-extend a bit field (EXT) 3-110
extract and zero-extend a bit field (EXTU) 3-113
set (SET) 3-210
bitwise AND (AND) 3-67
bitwise exclusive OR (XOR) 3-270
bitwise NOT (NOT) 3-194
bitwise OR (OR) 3-195
BK0 bits 2-10
BK1 bits 2-10
block diagram
branch instructions 4-23
decode pipeline phases 4-4
execute pipeline phases 4-5
fetch pipeline phases 4-3
load instructions 4-21
multiply instructions 4-17
pipeline phases 4-10
single-cycle instructions 4-16
store instructions 4-19
TMS320C67x CPU data path 2-3
TMS320C67x DSP 1-7
block size calculations 2-12
using a displacement (B) 3-69
using a register (B) 3-71
using an interrupt return pointer (B IRP) 3-73
using NMI return pointer (B NRP) 3-75
branch instruction
.S-unit instruction constraints 4-39
block diagram 4-23
pipeline operation 4-22
into the middle of an execute packet 3-18
performance considerations 5-21
to additional interrupt service routine 5-8
circular addressing, block size calculations 2-12
circular addressing mode
add instructions 3-32
block size specification 3-31
load instructions 3-31
store instructions 3-31
subtract instructions 3-32
clear a bit field (CLR) 3-77
clear an individual interrupt 5-14
clearing interrupts 5-14
CLR instruction 3-77
CMPEQ instruction 3-80
CMPEQDP instruction 3-82
CMPEQSP instruction 3-84
CMPGT instruction 3-86
CMPGTDP instruction 3-89
CMPGTSP instruction 3-91
CMPGTU instruction 3-93
CMPLT instruction 3-95
CMPLTDP instruction 3-98
CMPLTSP instruction 3-100
CMPLTU instruction 3-102
for equality
double-precision floating-point values
(CMPEQDP) 3-82
signed integers (CMPEQ) 3-80
single-precision floating-point values
(CMPEQSP) 3-84
for greater than
double-precision floating-point values
(CMPGTDP) 3-89
signed integers (CMPGT) 3-86
single-precision floating-point values
(CMPGTSP) 3-91
unsigned integers (CMPGTU) 3-93
for less than
double-precision floating-point values
(CMPLTDP) 3-98
signed integers (CMPLT) 3-95
single-precision floating-point values
(CMPLTSP) 3-100
unsigned integers (CMPLTU) 3-102