
Control Register File
CPU Data Paths and Control2-20 SPRU733
2.7.9 Interrupt Set Register (ISR)
The interrupt set register (ISR) allows you to manually set the maskable inter-
rupts (INT15INT4) in the interrupt flag register (IFR). Writing a 1 to any of the
bits in ISR causes the corresponding interrupt flag (IFn) to be set in IFR. Writ-
ing a 0 to any bit in ISR has no effect. You cannot set any bit in ISR to affect
NMI or reset. The ISR is shown in Figure 210 and described in Table 211.
Any write to ISR (by the MVC instruction) effectively has one delay slot
because the results cannot be read (by the MVC instruction) in IFR until two
cycles after the write to ISR.
Any write to the interrupt clear register (ICR) is ignored by a simultaneous
write to the same bit in ISR.
Figure 210. Interrupt Set Register (ISR)
31 16
1514131211109876543 0
IS14 IS13 IS12 IS11 IS10 IS9 IS8 IS7 IS6 IS5 IS4 Reserved
W-0 R-0
Legend: R = Read only; W = Writeable by the MVC instruction; -n = value after reset
Table 211. Interrupt Set Register (ISR) Field Descriptions
Bit Field Value Description
3116 Reserved 0 Reserved. The reserved bit location is always read as 0. A value written to this
field has no effect.
154 ISn Interrupt set.
0 Corresponding interrupt flag (IFn) in IFR is not set.
1 Corresponding interrupt flag (IFn) in IFR is set.
Reserved 0 Reserved. The reserved bit location is always read as 0. A value written to this
field has no effect.